
Monday, June 2, 2014

Texture Tuesday 6/3/14

Hi everyone, gosh it's taken me ages to get back to my blog after my trip to Poland ! I took LOTS of photos and will post some soon.  I've been busy catching up with my classes Be Still 52 and Start to Finish 2, with Kim Klassen.  I have managed to just about catch up there, and have posted in the Flickr groups.  But I also want to keep up with posting the lessons on my blog as well......will I ever get it done ? I did a photo shoot of a one year old's birthday yesterday which was fun, but that has entailed a fair bit of editing time today,  I'm pretty happy with the results. I don't often have the opportunity to shoot people, so this was fun !

BUT.....I have played with a photo from my trip for Texture Tuesday this week.  We went for a walk in a forest one day,  it was beautiful. As the theme for this week is " Nature " , I used one of my photos from that day, applied texture kk_simple at soft light and masked off the fern fronds, added a quote and called it done ! 

Before I go though, I just want to share one of the amazing treats I allowed myself on vacation. It was sooooo delicious !  I was very happy to see when I got back home and got on the bathroom scale  ( with some trepidation, I might add ! ) that I had LOST nearly one pound ! It must have been all the walking we did !

Have a wonderful week !


  1. What a terrific image and a killer quote!

  2. Since I will never get to visit Poland, I look forward to seeing your photos. I've never gone out of the USA and most likely will not have the opportunity so will be fun to see Poland through your Lens. I am following so I can check back when you post. Also, love the angle of your fern just having it come toward me in the photo. Very the greens looks so lush. :)

    1. Thanks Peabea, I am trawling through all my photos, I have so many that I think I will be posting quite a few collages !

  3. I was all set to oh and ah over your lovely fern photo and then I scrolled down to see that dessert! No matter how gorgeous the nature picture, I will still be drawn to the dessert like a moth to a flame! Good for you that the walking on your trip helped to keep the pounds away. My family began on a mission toward healthy eating last year and we've all lost weight, but we still need to be mindful to keep our weight steady. Back to the fern . . . you took such a perfect photo that little was required but the finishing touches - great use of texture and quote.

    1. Too funny Donna , I love food photos too ! Thanks for your nice comments, the healthy eating is working for me too...I've lost 30 pounds so far, I think when I started my blog I mentioned that I was on a mission to lose the extra poundage that had accumulated, so I'm quite pleased with myself :)

  4. Beautiful nature image and that desserts looks yummy for sure. Glad to see you enjoyed taking photos for a birthday party. My husband and I own an entertainment/photography company and photographing birthday parties is a huge part of our business. We have a lot of fun!
