
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Be Still Week 12

Week 12 - Unstaged

I found this challenge rather difficult, having been so used to staging shoots. Also my mind is on other things these days, so I just took a few photos of some of my props that are laying about.

I had a couple of tests this week to stage my cancer and from what was found I will have to have chemo and radiation therapy. I'm waiting for appointments, but things are moving along quickly and once the chemo is done, then I will have surgery. We're meeting with the surgeon on Thursday and I hope we can see the oncologist too.  Photography and my friends are a great way to give me something to look forward to and enjoy ! I'm so glad I found you all :)

I love this quote !

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend !
Caz xx


  1. Hi Caz! Isn't is odd, how when we first start trying to stage a shoot we fumble around with it, then get used to we struggle with the ordinary un-staged shoot? After this lesson on un-staged, I can think and see several things. I LOVE your props on a tray, and a collage to show different angles of them - great job! Love the quote on the rose. Your in my thoughts and prayers this week...I know you are anticipating to hear the reports and treatment plans. Hugs to you!!

  2. Agree with Beverly, it is strange to try with this setup because I am a person who wants to try for perfect it is just in me to do this so the lesson was hard even through Messy is a part of life. It really is in more ways than not we can't get away from life's messes so we might as well embrace them and photograph them in a pleasant way.

    I can't imagine what you are going through only somewhat as a person who has had skin cancer but that was only a small thing compared to what you are going through. The waiting is the hardest I do know about that and cancer and my husband as the other person so you are in my prayers and thoughts as you go through this.

  3. Lovely collage, Caz !
    Wonderful texture on the pretty rose image ... and indeed a lovely quote !
    My positive thoughts ...

  4. As a new visitor to your blog I am getting ideas about staging props. I haven't done too much of that before. Hugs are coming through the computer to you and good wishes for successful treatments.
